
Rebuilding a Fresh Ecosystem for Himalayas Hemp

Rebuilding a Fresh Ecosystem for Himalayas Hemp

A covalent bond between rural communities and cannabis has long existed high in the Himalayas. Although cannabis has been around since ancient times, a still recent rise in the popularity of hemp has initiated a ray of hope for this fast-disappearing cultural heritage. But it requires rebuilding legislation policy designed with indigenous cannabis plant species […]

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The Cannabis plant was utilized therapeutically

The Cannabis plant was utilized therapeutically for centuries around the world until the early 1900s.

Introduction Medical marijuana uses cannabis plants or chemicals in it to treat illnesses or conditions. It’s fundamentally the same item as recreational marijuana, but it’s taken for therapeutic purposes. The pot plant contains more than 100 diverse chemicals called cannabinoids. Each one contains a diverse impact on the body. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are

The Cannabis plant was utilized therapeutically for centuries around the world until the early 1900s. Read More »