NAPL Consultants

Flowchart of Hemp Industry

Niche Agriculture & Pharmaceuticals Limited Consultancy Services

  1. Detailed Technical Services for High Value Product Manufacturing (End to End Service)
  2. Market Analysis for Potential Business
  3. Profit Margin Analysis
  4. Export Potential Analysis  
  5. Capacity Building/Community Training on Hemp Products Manufacturing

Detailed technical Services for High Value Product Manufacturing

NAPL Consultancy will provide the following services for establishment of an industry for high value hemp products manufacturing.

    • Detailed project report preparation for establishment of industries.
    • Hemp product identification for manufacturing.
    • Consultancy on latest technology available for product manufacturing.
    • Product quality monitoring and enhancement of production.
    • Client specific product designing.

Market analysis for Potential Business

NAPL Consultancy will identify the following fundamentals for businesses

    • Potential customers
    • Customers’ buying habits
    • Target market
    • Customer’s willingness to pay for a product
    • Main competitors
    • Competitors’ strengths and weaknesses

Profit Margin Analysis

NAPL Consultancy will provide these financial analysis for individual businesses 

  • Projected gross and net profit analysis
  • Cost analysis
  • Competitors profit margin analysis
  • Sales analysis

Export Potential Mapping

One of the important consultancy service which NAPL provides with full fulfillment of client’s expectation is export potential mapping. In this service we provide full spectrum of services. The services are;

  • Identification of products
  • Markets
  • Potential suppliers
  • Opportunities for export.
  • Challenges

Capacity Building/Community Training on Hemp Products Manufacturing
More than 25000 products can be manufactured from hemp plant like Hempcrete, Clothing, Supplements,  Protein Powder, Medicines, Food, Hemp biofuel, etc. NAPL consultancy is planning to train localites to setup small scale industries in rural areas to produce and manufacture hemp products and to educate local farmers to sell their product profitably and create a market place for them.

+91 114 105 3774

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Niche Agriculture & Pharmaceuticals Limited with experience of more than 20 years in organic farming and advanced technologies, plans to diversify its business into hemp cultivation and processing after getting adequate licenses from concerned Governments and reimaging the future of Hemp Cultivation. We innate power to redefine the experience of farming and advocating Industrial Hemp to build a future that rests in sustainability and optimization.