Hemp Bio-plastics

Hemp Bio-plastics: Scope, Reasoning and Uses

Hemp based bio-plastics is a sustainable resource for mankind and its optimal use can help the world in countering global warming and maintain ecological balance. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) researchers have estimated that since 1950s, countries around the world have generated more than 8.3 billion tons of plastic.

Plastic has proven to be a useful resource for human kind but it has also resulted to be a biggest drawback for global ecology.

 About 60% of such plastic waste ends up in landfills where it can take 10 – 1,000 years to decompose. Such plastic waste also gets dumped in oceans and seas, about 200 tons every second. Moreover the most toxic effects of such plastic waste can be observed by burning the piles of disposed plastic. Burning of plastic waste offers grave challenges in conserving nature.

Did you know: Around 99% of the generated plastic wastes are composed of chemicals and produces toxic gases like mercury and dioxins?

What is important to understand that the disposal of the generated plastic waste is one side of the coin, production of plastic on the other hand is a leading problem as 99% of plastic production uses chemicals derived from oil, natural gas and coal. In general mostly non-renewable resources are used to produce plastic products. It is an additional toll that mother nature has to pay.

As per the recent trends many researchers assume that by 2050, the plastic industry would account for 20% of the total oil consumption in the world. Due to the rise in the plastic waste generation new challenges like global warming, climate change and pollution have disturbed the ecological balance of the earth. As a consequence we can observe the disruption of marine ecosystem.

To put an end to all such problems an easy alternative is to stop using plastic. But as a matter of fact, it is estimated that every individual uses about 50 kilograms of plastic per annum. It can be an impossible task to eliminate the use of plastic on daily bases? If we cannot stop using plastics, what we can do is look for alternatives which can fulfill our needs and can also decompose easily.

Bioplastics, what is hemp bioplastic?

Bioplastic are special materials that come from renewable biomass sources. Theses sources includes corn starch oil, vegetable oils, food waste, wood chips, sawdust, straws, hemp, etc.

Amongst all the different options available, hemp bioplastic is the most environmentally friendly and the one with the most large scale and long-term scope. Hemp bioplastic is a natural and affordable alternative to oil-based plastic. It is made from the stalk of the hemp plant, which contains sufficiently high cellulose content to make plastics. Hemp consist an extremely high cellulose content of between 65-70% in comparison to 40% in wood.

Recent studies have also highlighted that hemp based bioplastics are 5X stiffer than polypropylene and 2.5X stronger too. Additionally, hemp fiber is also light in weight. With such added benefits hemp based bioplastic is a reasonable alternative to synthetic plastic which can be used for packaging, construction and manufacturing sector. Moreover it is recyclable and even when not recycled, hemp bioplastic biodegrades within 3 to 6 months. Hemp plat is a dependable resource for sustainable development as it is dependable, ecofriendly and sustainable alternative to non-renewable chemical plastic.  Visit www.naplimited.com to know more about hemp and how it can lead to sustainable development.

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